Andrzej Cybulski. Tickest to happiness


 Andrzej Mańkowski

2020, 0 h 55 min

Andrzej Cybulski – a prominent manager, head of cultural institutions in the Tricity, writer. Under Communism, the art community called him ‘their man in the party’. Student theatres Bim-Bom and Co To, Cyrk Rodziny Afanasjew, Polish Film Festival in Gdynia and the success of Kombi are only some Cybulski’s numerous projects. Director of Żak Cinema, creator of the Baltic Art Agency in Sopot and music festivals in the Forest Opera. Director of the Musical Theatre in Gdynia fired for staging the famous Kolęda-Nocka. In the 1980s, he turned to business and proved very successful in the field of environmental protection and economic consulting. Why, despite his numerous achievements, is Cybulski almost forgotten these days?

written by Andrzej Mańkowski
director of photography Wojciech Ostrowski, Grzegorz Dolecki, Mariusz Elert, Maciej Jagielski, Waldemar Płocharski
sound Maciej Płocharski, Soundtrack Studio Piotr Pastuszak
editing, colour correction and music Andrzej Mańkowski
production Video Studio Gdańsk, Telewizja Polska, Gdyńskie Centrum Kultury
graphic design Andrzej Mańkowski, Waldemar Płocharski

producers Marek Łochwicki, Joanna Pacana
executive producer Video Studio Gdańsk
co-financed by Miasto Gdańsk, Saur Neptun Gdańsk, Miasto Gdynia, Gdyńskie Centrum Kultury,  Stowarzyszenie Czerwonej Róży, Samorząd Województwa Pomorskiego, Pomorskie Hurtowe Centrum Rolno-Spożywcze

Main Competition
Short Film Competition
Sekcje pozakonkursowe