The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024




Rafał Kotas

2010, 0 h 30 min

Marek is financially dependent and emotionally addicted to his dominating father. He works in his company and lives in his place with the wife Kasia. Frustration and anger gradually increase in Marek. One day, the father goes down on an unexpected illness and the balance of power changes. Marek gets the chance to become independent and does everything to use it. When he eventually succeeds, it turns out that the price he had to pay is high…

Directed by: Rafał Kotas

Written by: Rafał Kotas

Director of photography: Marcin Władyniak

Production design by: Magda Sabina Samborska

Sound: Wojciech Emm

Editing: Bogusława Furga

Costume design by: Magda Sabina Samborska

Production manager: Marta Sekulska

Produced by: Lodz Film School

Producer: Lodz Film School, TVP S.A.

Distribution: Lodz Film School

World sales: Lodz Film School

Actor in a leading role: Marcin Sztabiński

Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Sekcje pozakonkursowe