Ewa is a first grader in high school who discovers that she’s attracted to women. She’s interested in “Playboy” photos and intrigued by her schoolmate Ania. This experience takes her peace away and makes her scared. The film about the problems young people face entering the adult life, looking for friendship and love.
Written by: Karolina Kasperczak, Mikołaj Talarczyk
Director of photography: Robert Mleczko
Music by: Piotr Sobkowiak
Production design by: Izabela Sobkowiak
Editing: Mariusz Bruś, Jarosław Wieczorek
Sound: Jacek Czapracki
Cast: Malina Prześluga (Ewa), Paulina Żurek (Ola), Magda Janz (Agata), Magda Malinowska (Marta), Andrzej Szczepaniak (Tomek), Sława Kwaśniewska (grandmother), Paweł Hadyński (grandfather), Daniel Wyczesany (teacher), Lucyna Winkiel (teacher)
Production manager: Katarzyna Kajewska
Produced by: Stowarzyszenie Kulturalne “Artes”, Wielkopolska Szkoła Radia Telewizji i Filmu, Imagine – Produkcja Filmów i Reklama
Distributed by: open