The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Great Little Giant

Great Little Giant

Jakub Dolny
2023, 0 h 8 min
  • age group: 10+
  • 4th-8th grade

The film is an adaptation of the Irish legend of the Giant’s Causeway. Annoyed by the constant boasting of his Scottish rival, Benadonner, Finn wants to prove that he’s the bigger giant.

production: Szkoła Filmowa w Łodzi

Film Screenings Schedule

    DAY 1 - 23rd September 2024   BUY
    DAY 2 - 24th September 2024   BUY
    DAY 2 - 25th September 2024   BUY
    DAY 4 - 26th September 2024   BUY
    DAY 5 - 27th September 2024   BUY
    DAY 6 - 28th September 2024   BUY