Insomnia Station

Insomnia Station


Piotr Wojciechowski

1973, 0 h 38 min
An old school friend tries to free doctor Weronika from the grip of a hypnotist who steals dreams. The first colour film of the review. The filmmakers set the plot in the present and so resigned from technological innovations and fancy gadgets to make a film which is partly fantastical and partly psychological.

Cast: Hanna Stankówna, Edward Kusztal, Marek Walczewski, Irena Horecka, Stefania Iwińska, Monika Kantor, Irena Malkiewicz, Alicja Sobieraj, Mieczysław Łoza, Jan Orsza-Łukaszewicz, Jerzy Peters, Bogdan Śmigielski
Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Przegląd Polskiego Kina Niezależnego
Sekcje pozakonkursowe