The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024




Jerzy Kowynia

2013, 1 h 17 min
Stacho is serving several years in prison and does not get along with his fellow inmates. He is granted a two-day leave to attend his mother’s funeral. The night before the funeral, a conversation takes place, and family secrets come to light…
Written by: Jerzy Kowynia
Director of photography: Michał Sobociński
Production design by: Jacek Gruszecki, Robert Dyrcz
Sound: Krzysztof Ridan, Marcin Cichoń
Editing: Wojciech Anuszczyk
Costume design by: Małgorzata Gwiazdecka
Make-up: Katarzyna Warchoł
Cast: Edyta Torhan, Tomasz Sobczak, Lidia Bogaczówna, Jerzy Król, Łada Gorpienko, Liam Chase
Production manager: Katarzyna Janicka
Produced by: Sagittarius Film 30 134
Producer: Sagittarius Film 30 134
Co-produced by: Divizion Fil Marcin Kryjom
World sales: Lbyl Films & Distribution
Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Przegląd Polskiego Kina Niezależnego
Sekcje pozakonkursowe