The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Poland Love Serenade

Poland Love Serenade


Monika Anna Wojtyłło

NULL, 1 h 15 min

23-year-old Anna, a bit nuts student from Berlin, drives to Poland to let her clapped-out car be stolen. On Christmas Eve, in a small town Lubomierz, she accidentally meets 26-year-old Max, a fresh graduate of Law from Hamburg.

Written by: Monia Anna Wojtyłło, Jonas Grosch
Director of photography: Denis Pauls
Music by: Armin Pommeranz
Production design by: Peter Wolf
Sound: Daniel Griese, Zofia Gołębiowska
Editing: Andreas Schultz
Costume design by: Nina Traiser
Produced by: Hochschule fur Film und Fernsehen Konrad Wolf
Producer: Moritz Wessendorff
Co-produced by: ARTE
Distributed by: Christina Marx (HFF Konrad Wolf)
Country and year of production: Germany, 2008
Length: 75 min.

Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Sekcje pozakonkursowe