The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

The Red Captain

The Red Captain


Michal Kollár

2016, 1 h 55 min

1992. After the fall of communism many criminal cases remained unsolved with their perpetrators never punished. Krauz, a young, ambitious homicide detective, comes across one of them. A body with numerous traces of torture was found in the city cemetery. Krauz and his partner decide to solve the mystery. All clues lead to the Red Captain, a notorious interrogation specialist from the era of the former government. Few have survived meeting him. Every minute, more and more facts are revealed and the suspects turn out to be the highest-ranking police and Church decision-makers.

written by Miro Šifra, Michal Kollár, Anna Fifiková
director of photography Kacper Fertacz PSC
music by Petr Ostrouchov
production design by Tomáš Svoboda
costume design by Simona Rybáková
make-up by Pavlína Ždánská, Hana Fraňková
sound by Lukáš Moudrý
edited by Lucie Haladová
cast Maciej Stuhr, Zuzana Kronerová, Marián Geišberg, Oldřich Kaiser, Helena Krajčiová
produced by Mental Disorder 4
producers Agnieszka Kurzydło, Victor Tauš
co-produced by Fog’n’Desire Films, Sokol Kollar, Krakowskie Biuro Festiwalowe, S Pro Alfa, Barrandov Studio, Česká televize, Rádio a televízia slovenska
executive producer Jiří Holan
production manager Kamila Kuś
distribution in Poland Kino Świat
world sales Sokol Kollar

Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Konkurs Fabularnych Filmów Krótkometrażowych
Konkurs Inne Spojrzenie
Sekcje pozakonkursowe