The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024




Andrzej Jakimowski

NULL, 1 h 35 min

6-year-old Stefek challenges Providence. He believes that the provoked series of small events will allow him to get closer to his father who abandoned his mother for another woman. Stefek’s sister, 17-year-old Elka, teaches him how to bribe the fate with little gifts. But in a defining moment the children have nothing valuable to sacrifice. In his game with the fate, Stefek decides to dangerously rise the stake.

Written by: Andrzej Jakimowski
Director of photography: Adam Bajerski
Music by: Tomasz Gąsowski
Production design by: Ewa Jakimowska
Sound: Maria Chilarecka, Aleksander Musiałowski
Editing: Cezary Grzesiuk
Costume design by: Aleksandra Staszko
Production manager:
Produced by: Zjednoczenie Artystów i Rzemieślników Sp. z.o.o.
Producer: Andrzej Jakimowski
Co-produced by: WFDiF, Telewizja Polska SA, Canal+ Cyfrowy, Opus Film
Distributed by: Kino Świat
World sales: Zjednoczenie Artystów i Rzemieślników Sp. z.o.o.
Country and year of production: Poland, 2007
Cast: Damian Ul (Stefek), Ewelina Walendziak (Elka, Stefek’s sister), Tomasz Sapryk (Stefek and Elka’s father), Rafał Guźniczak (Jerzy), Iwona Fornalczyk (Stefek and Elka’s mother), Joanna Liszowska (Violka), Andrzej Golejewski (homeless with a cart), Grzegorz Stelmaszewski (Turk), Simeone Matarelli (Leone), Krzysztof Ławniczak (corked man with a briefcase), Roman Baranowicz (Pigiel)
Length: 95 min.

Main Competition
Sekcje pozakonkursowe