Warsaw 44

Warsaw 44


Jan Komasa

2014, 2 h 8 min

1944, occupied Warsaw. 18-year-old Stefan works to support his mother and his younger brother. The Home Army command decides to attack the weakened Germans withdrawing to the West. Stefan wants to fight the enemy with his friends and his loved one by his side. The first days of the uprising are joyous, the enemy retreats. But their happiness doesn’t last long. The German army enters Warsaw, the uprising is doomed…

Written by: Jan Komasa
Director of photography: Marian Prokop PSC
Music by: Antoni Komasa-Łazarkiewicz
Production design by: Grzegorz Piątkowski, Marek Warszewski
Costume design by: Dorothée Roqueplo
Military costumes: Magdalena Jadwiga Rutkiewicz-Luterek
Make-up by: Dariusz Krysiak
Sound designer: Daniel Pellerin
Sound by: Bartosz Putkiewicz,
Edited by: Michał Czarnecki PSM
Cast: Józef Pawłowski, Zofia Wichłacz, Anna Próchniak, Antoni Królikowski, Maurycy Popiel, Filip Gurłacz, Karolina Staniec Produkcja : Akson Studio
Produced by: Michał Kwieciński
Executive producers: Małgorzata Fogel-Gabryś, Katarzyna Fukacz-Cebula

Production management: Magdalena Badura
Co-produced by: Telewizja Polska, Orange Polska, Narodowe Centrum Kultury, Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury, Mazowiecki Fundusz Filmowy, Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
Co-financed by: Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej, Miasto Łódź, Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej
Main sponsor: ING Bank Śląski
Sponsor of the film: PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna
Distributed by: Kino Świat
Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Przegląd Polskiego Kina Niezależnego
Konkurs Inne Spojrzenie
Sekcje pozakonkursowe

Movie - Festival Programme

    DAY 1 - 18th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 2 - 19th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 3 - 20th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 4 - 21st September 2023   BUY
    DAY 5 - 22nd September 2023   BUY
    DAY 6 - 23rd September 2023   BUY