
THE GRAND AWARD “THE GOLDEN LIONS” for the best film: “The Reverse” („Rewers”) directed by Borys Lankosz
THE GRAND AWARD “THE GOLDEN LIONS” for the producer of the best film: “The Reverse” („Rewers”) – Jerzy Kapuściński
THE AWARD “THE SILVER LIONS” for the film “Snow White and Russian Red” („Wojna polsko-ruska”) directed by Xawery Żuławski
THE AWARD “THE SILVER LIONS” for producer of the best film “Snow White and Russian Red” („Wojna polsko-ruska”) – Jacek Samojłowicz
SPECIAL AWARD OF THE JURY for outstanding artistic values for the film “The Forest” („Las”) directed by Piotr Dumała
– Wojtek Smarzowski for directing the film “The Dark House” („Dom zły”)
– Łukasz Kośmicki and Wojciech Smarzowski for screenplay of the film “Dark House” („Dom zły”)
– Katarzyna Rosłaniec for directing debut: the film “Mall Girls” („Galerianki”)
– Agata Buzek for the leading performance by an actress in the film “The Reverse” („Rewers”)
– Borys Szyc for the leading performance by an actor in the film “Snow White and Russian Red” („Wojna polsko-ruska”)
– Filip Garbacz for acting debut in the film “Piggies” („Świnki”)
– Marcin Koszałka factress in the film “The Reverse” („Rewers”)
– Włodzimierz Pawlik for music in the film “The Reverse” („Rewers”)
– Elwira Pluta for art direction in the film “The Magic Tree” („Magiczne drzewo”) and “All That I Love” („Wszystko, co kocham”)
– Dorota Kolak for supporting performance by an actress in the film “I Am Yours” („Jestem Twój”)
– Marcin Dorociński for supporting performance by an actor in the film “The Reverse” („Rewers”)
– Mateusz Adamczyk for sound in the film “Snow White and Russian Red” („Wojna polsko-ruska”)
– Paweł Laskowski for editing the film “The Dark House” („Dom zły”)
– Anna Englert for costume design in films “Snow White and Russian Red” („Wojna polsko-ruska” and “Miracle Seller” („Handlarz cudów”)
– Mirosława Wojtczak, Ludmiła Krawczyk and Waldemar Pokromski for make-up in the film “The Reverse” („Rewers”)
Award from Radio Gdańsk SA the Golden Clauquer for the longest applauded film for Jacek Borcuch for the film “All That I Love”.
Audience Award of Multikino for the film “The Reverse” directed by Borys Lankosz.
Award of Arthouse Cinemas Network for the film “The Reverse” dir. Borys Lankosz for author’s vision of our experiences after war and for realisator’s imagination.
Award of Polish Federation of Film Society – Don Kichote statuette for the film “The Reverse”, dir. Borys Lankosz.
Press Award was given to the film “The Reverse” dir. Borys Lankosz for brave, unconventional, grotesque look on Stalin’s times and an exceptional artistic maturity of the first film, in particular for plastic values and high quality acting.
“Amber Lions” Award for the producers of the film “Love and Dance” dir. Bruce Parramorea was given to Aneta Cebula-Hickinbotham, Izabela Łopuch and Dariusz Gąsiorowski.
“Amber Lions” Award for the distributors of the film “Love and Dance” dir. Bruce Parramorea was given to ITI Cinema.
Award of Organisers of Polish Film Festivals and Reviews Abroad was given to Borys Lankosz for the film “The Reverse”
Golden Kangaroo, the Award of Australian film distibutors was given to Borys Szyc for outstanding stage personality and Jacek Borcuch for the film “All that I Love”