The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski. The Statesman

Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski. The Statesman


Mirosław Bork

2018, 0 h 50 min

Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski is a widely forgotten politician and economic activist who greatly contributed to Poland’s growth. Where did he come from? What is the secret to this phenomenon of a man whose initiatives form the basis of the Polish economy to this day? Why was he so ruthlessly banished from public life? The time between 1945, when Kwiatkowski’s strong motivation to work for his homeland made him listen to nobody and return to Poland, and 1948, when he was evicted from public life once and for all and forbidden travel to the seaside or visit his beloved Gdynia, make for the most intense period of his eventful life.Those three years reflecting all Polish dilemmas form the backbone of the film.

directed by: Mirosław Bork

written by: Mirosław Bork

director of photography: Andrzej Adamczak, Piotr Janczar, Yuriy Dankevych, Paweł Nurkowski (zdjęcia lotnicze)

music: Marek Kuczyński

sound: Sławomir Pietrzyk

edited by: Mariusz Tytoń

cast: Julita Maciejewicz-Ryś, Ewa Obrąpalska, Andrzej Szlęzak, Marek Wiatrowicz, Marek Drozdowski, Andrzej Romanowski, Tadeusz Stegner

production: Telewizja Polska, New Format

executive producer: Mirosław Bork

production managers: Magdalena Jóźwiak, Renata Łukasiak

co-financed by: Gdyński Fundusz Filmowy

Main Competition
Microbudget Film Competition
Short Film Competition