Accreditation sale starting soon

Accreditation applications are submitted online via website until 30 August 2013.The cost of accreditation applied and paid for before 5 August 2013 is PLN 350. After this date the accreditation cost will increase to PLN 400.
Three types of accreditation will be available:
INDUSTRY ACCREDITATION – granted to representatives of film industry such as producers, distributors, to representatives of film institutions, film events and other individuals who are professionally involved in film industry in Poland or abroad
MEDIA ACCREDITATION – granted to representatives of mass media (radio, press, television, Internet) as well as press photographers
OBSERVER’S ACCREDITATION – granted to individuals who are not professionally involved in film and/or media industries
Detailed information on purchasing accreditation for the 38. Gdynia Film Festival will be posted on our website within the next few days.