Industry events at the 42nd PFF

Presentations of new film technologies, workshops, meetings and discussions on the future of Polish film – besides screenings, the programme of the 42nd Polish Film Festival in Gdynia is rich with events tailor-made for the industry.
PKO Bank Polski Academy of New Film Technologies
Year after year, Polish cinema is on the rise. New creators and films debut alongside cutting-edge technology that ignites potential for more and more sophisticated pictures. Thanks to innovations, Polish film sports world-class equipment, software and creative solutions. During a 2–day presentation at the 42nd Polish Film Festival, we invite you to discover current trends in the film industry and technological potential of Polish film studios.
Wednesday, 20th September, Chamber Stage of the Musical Theatre
10 a.m.–12 p.m., Capital24: Trends That Change Cinema
3 p.m.–5 p.m., StoryCode WAW on Tour – 360 Video
Thursday, 21st September, Multikino, screening room 8
10 a.m.–12 p.m., Platige Image: Visual Effects in the Film Industry and the Platige 3D Live Theatre Concept
12.30 p.m.–2.30 p.m., DiFactory: New Trends in Feature Film Colour Correction
3 p.m.–4.30 p.m., Orka Film: Special Effects in Films Qualified for the Main Competition
5.00 p.m.–6.30 p.m., Screening of the film “Lumière! L’aventure commence”, dir. Thierry Fremaux
The event is brought to you by PKO Bank Polski.
Gdynia Industry
For the second time, the Festival invites filmmakers, producers, film industry professionals and film school students to join discussions at Gdynia Industry scheduled for 3 days on the Chamber Stage of the Musical Theatre.
Wednesday, 20th September
12.30 p.m.–2.30 p.m., “Young Viewer Cinema” Panel
5.30 p.m.–7.30 p.m., Somebody Wrote It! A Meeting with the Members of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe
Thursday, 21st September
11 a.m.–12.30 p.m., Discussion “Screen Grandeur – Cinema in Online Distribution Age”
1–2.30 p.m., Promoting Polish Film Abroad
3.30–5 p.m., Debate “Securing Finance for Film. The Beaten Track and Beyond”
5:30–7 p.m., Premium Series – What Are the Benefits of Splurging on Quality Series?
Friday, 22nd September
11 a.m.–12.30 p.m., Nothing’s going on, Sir. Nothing? – discussion on Polish animated cinema industry
1–2.30 p.m., Historical Film Development. Warsaw Uprising Museum Presents a Project of the Film about Jan Nowak Jeziorański
5–6.30 p.m., “Panoptikum” – Cinema Economics, Clusters and Festivals
All PKO Bank Polski Academy of New Film Technologies and Gdynia Industry events will take place on the Chamber Stage of the Musical Theatre (entrance from Danuta Baduszkowa Street) and in Multikino, screening room 8. Admission is FREE but requires a seat reservation made with an accreditation, festival pass or a free pass collected in a ticket office of Gdynia Film Centre, Multikino or Musical Theatre.
Also at the 42nd PFF:
FilmPRO Producing Workshop
Polish Society of Cinematographers, FilmPRO Magazine and Panavision Polska invite you to a cinematographic workshop with Panavision Primo 70 lenses and Red Epic Helium 8K camera lead by Arkadiusz Tomiak. Mercure Gdynia Centrum, Friday, 22nd September, 11 a.m.
Polish Filmmakers Association Forum
For years now, Gdynia forums of the Polish Filmmakers Association – the biggest such institution in the country – have been hosting heated debates over the most important issues faced by a filmmaking community. Mercure Gdynia Centrum, Saturday, 23rd September, 12 p.m.
National Centre for Film Culture Press Conference
The biggest exhibition on the history of Polish film will open in Lodz. The team of the National Centre for Film Culture in Lodz will present its objectives, development prospects and activity scheduled for the next two years. Gdynia Film Centre, screening room Goplana, Wednesday, 20th September, 10 a.m.
Book of the Year. Polish Society for Film and Media Studies Award
The PSFMS Award for the best book of the year is given for a monograph from the area of Film and Media Studies in two categories: Book of the Year and Debut of the Year. The Award Ceremony will take place in a gallery of the Gdynia Film Centre on Wednesday, 20th September, at 2.30 p.m.
Main Sponsors of the 42nd Polish Film Festival: PKO Bank Polski, PKN ORLEN. Organisers: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Polish Film Institute, Polish Filmmakers Association, Marshal of the Pomeranian Province, President of the City of Gdynia. Co-organisers: Telewizja Polska SA, HBO Polska, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Ministry of Economic Development.
The Festival begins on 18th September and ends on 23rd September 2017.