
Ministerstwo Kultury
Polish Film Institute
The Polish Film Institute was established in 2005. It supports the development of cinematography, the promotion of Polish films within the country and abroad, the organisation of film events. It also assigns significant resources to education and the popularisation of the film culture, the modernisation of cinemas, professional development of filmmakers and the activity of Film Discussion Clubs.
Polish Filmmakers Association
The Polish Filmmakers Association, operating for 50 years, is the greatest organisation in Poland which gathers the people of the film. The Polish Filmmakers Association deals in the promotion of the Polish film within the country and abroad, the support of young talented filmmakers, the production of film debuts and collective management of copyright.
Miasto Gdynia
Pomorskie Voivodeship
Pomorskie Voivodeship has patronage over the cultural activity in the region, which consists in the support and promotion of art, education and teaching system, cultural activities and initiatives as well as the preservation of monuments. This is implemented by, among others, the support of actitivies concerning culture, undertaken by various entities, including NGOs. Pomorskie Voivodeship has been co-creating the greatest feast of the Polish cinematography - Gdynia Film Festival - since 1999.
Pomeranian Film Foundation
Pomeranian Film Foundation, with the registered office in Gdynia, was established in 2005. Its founders are: Pomorskie Voivodeship Sejmik, Gdynia Commune and Polish Filmmakers Association. It is the organiser and implementer of Gdynia Film Festival.