The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024

Brand New World

Brand New World


Ewan Jones-Morris, Andrzej Wójcik

2005, 0 h 56 min

Do we live in a Huxleyan society based on mental manipulation, brainwashing pop-culture and never-ending consumption? Have the prophecies form Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” come to life in the form of advertisements, anti-depressants and television? The authors attempt to answer these questions with the help of most prominent literary experts in Huxley’s biography and writings, Swedish consumers, Welsh children and hermits from both sides of the English Channel. Besides, there’s lots of animation, street happening and good music by London artist Cassetteboy. Catharsis for those who are tired with TV spots and television in general. There’s even a broken TV!

Written by: Andrzej Wójcik, Ewan Jones-Morris
Director of photography: Ewan Jones-Morris
Music by: Cassetteboy
Editing: Andrzej Wójcik, Ewan Jones-Morris
Sound: Ewan Jones-Morris
Producer: Andrzej Wójcik

Main Competition
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