It’s Me, Now
One day, Hanka goes for shopping and never comes back. She gets on a bus with a school trip. Her partner starts searching for her, asks nearest neighbors and then reports her missing to the police. The characters set off on their journeys: she’s running from him and he’s trying to find her. They meet different people who just like them can’t find their place in the world.
Written by: Anna Jadowska
Directors of photography: Robert Mleczko, Alexandre C. Jacquat
Production design by: Kacper Rączkowski
Costume design by: Kacper Rączkowski
Editing: Robert Ciodyk
Sound: Michał Kosterkiewicz
Cast: Agnieszka Warchulska (Hanka), Maciej Marczewski (Paweł), Ewa Szykulska (woman), Grzegorz Ruda (Wojtek), Elżbieta Gruca (Małgosia), Sylwester Jakimow (Marek), Hanna Piaseczna (Monika)
Production manager: Paweł Wolff
Produced by: SPI International Polska
Co-produced by: Polish Television Film Agency
Executive producer: SPI International Polska
Producers: Radosław Styś, Piotr Reisch
Distributed by: SPI International Polska
World sales: SPI International Polska