Karski & The Lords of Humanity

Karski & The Lords of Humanity


Sławomir Grünberg

2015, 1 h 12 min

The film by the outstanding documentary director, Sławomir Grünberg,
which combines unique archival materials and animated sequences, tells
the story of Jan Karski.

Jan Karski (actually Jan Kozielewski)
set out to Great Britain in autumn of 1942 and then on to the USA to
present a report on the condition of the Polish Underground State and
primarily to inform the international community about the disastrous
situation of Jews under German occupation. Before his departure, Karski
made it inside the ghetto twice and also to the transit camp in Izbica
Lubelska. He passed the shocking account of an eyewitness on to American
and British politicians, journalists and artists. However, the dramatic
appeals of the emissary to save the Jewish nation proved to no avail.

directed and cinematography by Sławomir Grünberg
written by Katka Reszke, Sławomir Grünberg, E. Thomas Wood
sound by Tomasz Dukszta CAS
edited by Matylda Kawka, Katka Reszke
animation by Tomasz Niedźwiedź
produced by LOGTV LTD & Apple Film Production
co-produced by Narodowy Instytut Audiowizualny, Telewizja Polska, Narodowe Centrum Kultury, TvIndie Film, Fundacja Przeszłość i Teraźniejszość
producers Sławomir Grünberg, Dariusz Jabłoński, Violetta Kamińska, Izabela Wójcik
distributed by Kino Świat

Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Konkurs Fabularnych Filmów Krótkometrażowych
Konkurs Inne Spojrzenie
Sekcje pozakonkursowe