


Bartosz Brzeziński

2021, 0 h 30 min

Raised by an alcoholic father, a sheep breeder, Kuba is growing up in a small village where nothing ever happens. One day, an old friend from the big city arrives. The protagonist starts discovering his sexuality and soon has to make a tough choice.

directed by: Bartosz Brzeziński

written by: Bartosz Brzeziński

director of photography: Max Bugajak

music: Tomasz Mreńca

production design: Matylda Furmanek

costume design: Flora Kamusińska

sound: Mikołaj Sosnowski, Adam Szlenda Dreamsound

edited by: Mariusz Gos

cast: Maciej Łączyński, Adam Stęnicki, Robert Czebotar

production: Warszawska Szkoła Filmowa

producer: Maciej Ślesicki

executive producer: Warszawska Szkoła Filmowa

co-financed by: Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej

distributed by: Warszawska Szkoła Filmowa

Main Competition
Microbudget Film Competition
Short Film Competition

Movie - Festival Programme

    DAY 1 - 18th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 2 - 19th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 3 - 20th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 4 - 21st September 2023   BUY
    DAY 5 - 22nd September 2023   BUY
    DAY 6 - 23rd September 2023   BUY