The Number

The Number


Andrzej Mathiasz

2005, 1 h 33 min

The action takes place in Lublin shortly after the terrorist attack in Madrid. In Poland, there’s a widespread fear of a similar tragedy. 20-year-old Paweł and two of his friends are disappointed with life and decide to change the world by calling in fake bomb threats creating fear and chaos. They feel like the world is theirs. All it takes, is to pick another number…

Written by: Andrzej Mathiasz
Director of photography: Dorota Nowakowska
Music by: Artur Giordano
Production design by: Greta Lis, Cezary Lis
Editing: Tadeusz Sosnowski
Sound: Wojciech Nowakowski
Cast: Łukasz Pertkiewicz (Paweł), Aleksandra Wincek-Czmiel (Ruda), Andrzej Skrzypek (Klisza)
Produced by: Galimathiasz
Co-produced by: Kinoteatr Projekt, N-Vision
Producer: Andrzej Mathiasz

Main Competition
Sekcje pozakonkursowe