The Wild Swans


Peter Flinth, Ghita Norby

2009, 1 h 0 min

The adaptation of a famous fairy tale by Andersen. Princess Elisa lives happily with her eleven brothers. Once upon a time, their father decides to marry again. Influenced by the mysterious power of the new Queen, the King sends his daughter away from the castle whereas the brothers are turned into swans. A good fairy tells Elisa how to undo the spell by making for them shirts from nettles.

Directed by: Peter Flinth, Ghita Norby

Written by: Queen Margrethe II, Jesper W. Nielsen

Based on a fairy tale by H. C. Andersen

Director of photography: Torben Forsberg

Produced by: JJ Film ApS

Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Przegląd Polskiego Kina Niezależnego
Sekcje pozakonkursowe

Movie - Festival Programme

    DAY 1 - 18th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 2 - 19th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 3 - 20th September 2023   BUY
    DAY 4 - 21st September 2023   BUY
    DAY 5 - 22nd September 2023   BUY
    DAY 6 - 23rd September 2023   BUY