The 49th Polish Film Festival

The 49th Polish Film Festival

Gdynia 23-28.09.2024




Paweł Borowski

NULL, 1 h 50 min

A big, modern city. The 24 hours composed with the crumbs of life of Broad-shouldered Businessman, Messy Fatty, Skinny Paper Man, Sweaty Taxi Driver, Tired Guy, Petite Blonde, Elegant Female Doctor and others. Sometimes their fates meet naturally, sometimes it’s a matter of coincidence. We follow into the depths of the story about love, hatred, betrayal, sex, aggression and all sorts of dirt.

Written by: Paweł Borowski
Director of photography: Arkadiusz Tomiak PCS
Music by: Adam “Burza” Burzyński
Production design by: Wojciech Żogała
Sound: Maria Chilarecka, Marek Wronko, Leszek Freud
Editing: Magdalena Mikołajczyk PSM
Costume design by: Anna Imiela-Szcześniak
Make-up: Lila Gałązka
Production manager: Jacek Gawryszczak
Produced by: Opus Film
Producer: Piotr Dzięcioł
Co-produced by: WFDiF, Platige Image, Paweł Borowski
Country and year of production: Poland, 2009
Cast: Robert Więckiewicz, Bogdan Koca, Zbigniew Konopka, Andrzej Mastalerz, Sonia Bohosiewicz, Marian Dziędziel, Kamila Baar, Rafał Mohr, Aleksandra Popławska, Joanna Bogacka, Gabriela Muskała, Cezary Kosiński, Magdalena Popławska, Maria Maj, Michał Żurawski, Przemysław Bluszcz, Roma Gąsiorowska, Michał Tarkowski, Janusz Chabior, Sławomir Rokita, Bogusława Szubert, Dominika Kluźniak, Wojciech Zieliński
Length: 110 min.

Main Competition
Konkurs Młodego Kina
Sekcje pozakonkursowe